Extractions in
Brandon, MS

Why You Might Need An Extraction

An extraction is the intentional removal of a tooth to improve oral health outcomes by removing the source of damage, tooth decay, or infection so we can replace these teeth with restorations that will preserve your oral health. 

There are a lot of reasons why someone might need an extraction. They could suffer from dental trauma and severely fracture a tooth that cannot be repaired, a tooth may be broken at the gum line, or extremely decayed, or have an infection that can no longer be reversed with root canal treatment. 

We may need to remove a tooth to make room for orthodontic treatment or if a tooth is impacted. If a tooth is very loose from trauma or gum disease, it may need to be removed and replaced. 

However, at Burke Dental Group, we always do everything we can to save and repair teeth when possible. Extractions are only used as a last resort when other restorative treatments cannot repair the tooth. Contact us at Burke Dental Group to schedule a consultation today.

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Did you know…

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Some wisdom teeth can be removed through a basic extraction if they have fully erupted.

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What To Expect At Your Extraction Appointment


Dr. Burke will assess the condition of your teeth to determine if you require an extraction or if other treatments are available to save the tooth.

Pain Relief & Sedation Options

We will always administer local anesthesia before performing an invasive treatment. This will prevent you from feeling pain. If you would also like to be sedated for increased comfort, we offer laughing gas sedation.

Dental Elevator

Your tooth is held in place through ligaments in the socket. To loosen the tooth, we will rock it back and forth in the socket to sever the ligaments which expands the size of the socket so it’s easier to remove.


Once the tooth is fully loosened, forceps are used to lift it out of the socket.


After the extraction has been completed, the socket will be cleaned and we will stop the bleeding by placing gauze in the socket which you will bite down on for about 30 to 60 minutes.

Extraction Services

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Basic Extraction

A basic extraction is the removal of a tooth that is visible in the gum line because it is a fully erupted tooth. Without impaction, a surgical extraction is not necessary. Basic extractions are simpler, faster, and heal faster than surgical extraction. 

After numbing your mouth and administering any sedation, we will loosen the tooth in the socket with a dental elevator and then remove it with forceps. After sterilizing the socket, we will stop the bleeding. You can expect to heal in 3 to 4 weeks. 

Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays are safe, quick, and comfortable. Using the latest technology, we can create crisp, high-resolution images of your mouth’s structure, so we can make accurate diagnoses and treatment plans. Digital x-rays use only a fraction of the radiation as traditional film x-rays, so you can rest easy. Most patients receive one or two full sets of x-rays every year, but we may recommend additional imaging in the case of a dental emergency, or if we find an oral health issue that we need to investigate further.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments are one of the best ways to keep dental decay at bay. A simple, non-invasive procedure, fluoride treatments help to keep your enamel strong. After your cleaning, we’ll apply a fluoride-rich varnish or gel; we may ask you to refrain from eating or drinking anything for 30 minutes or so following your visit. Fluoride helps kickstart a process called “remineralization,” which restores essential minerals like calcium and phosphates to your teeth, keeping your enamel hard and resistant to acids, like those that cause tooth decay.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a great way for patients to protect their teeth from decay. Dental sealants are often recommended for children, but can still be a great option for patients of all ages. Plus, dental sealants can provide protection for your teeth for years after being applied.

Applying dental sealants is a quick, non-invasive procedure that utilizes a dental resin that is applied to the molars. The uneven surface of molars, which are located in the rear of the mouth, are filled with grooves where plaque and bacteria can flourish. After application, the resin is cured with a UV light, causing it to harden into a powerful barrier between your teeth and the foods, drinks, acid, and bacteria that lead to decay.

Periodontal Care

Gum disease is extremely common, and can result in an array of oral health problems if left untreated, even including bone resorption and tooth loss. Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. It's also the only stage that can be truly reversed with deep cleanings and good at-home hygiene. If you are diagnosed with gingivitis, it is still possible to regain control of your oral health by staying on top of your regular cleanings, checkups, and at-home care.

More advanced stages of gum disease, called periodontitis, have irreversible effects on your oral health, such as gum recession and bone loss. However, the progression of periodontitis can be stopped in its tracks, even if the effects cannot be reversed, though it requires more advanced and frequent treatment. Most patients will require deep cleaning sessions every three to four months. Treatments can include deep cleanings, scaling and root planing, and laser therapy, and can help preserve your oral health.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer screenings are a part of every preventive visit, and are a quick way to fortify your peace of mind. Through consistent exams, we can catch oral cancer early on, which gives us a better chance at treating it before it spreads. A routine oral cancer screening can even save your life! 

Your dentist will examine your gums, tongue, and the rest of the soft tissues in your mouth, keeping an eye out for lesions and other abnormalities like lumps and discolorations. If there is anything that concerns us, we may recommend getting a biopsy, which will be analyzed by a specialist to determine the cause of the abnormality. Regular oral cancer screenings allow us to identify any potential problems before they become major issues.  

Did you know…

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All extracted teeth except for wisdom teeth should be replaced.

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Have questions about extractions? Find answers here.

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Do I Need to Replace My Extracted Tooth?

Yes, you should always replace an extracted tooth. The only exception to this is the wisdom teeth, which do not need to be replaced. Wisdom teeth typically need to be removed because there isn’t enough space in the jaw for them to erupt fully.

However, the rest of your teeth are vital to your oral health, bone structure, smile aesthetics, bone density, and tooth functionality. When you lose a tooth, the surrounding teeth can shift if you don’t replace it. 

This can lead to orthodontic problems, gaps in the smile, difficulty chewing, and speech problems. We offer many tooth replacement options, including dentures, dental implants, and bridges.

However, only dental implants can prevent bone loss that occurs from tooth loss. Over time, bone loss can cause premature facial sagging, increased risk of future tooth loss, and even the collapse of facial features.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From an Extracted Tooth?

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On average, it takes about 3 to 4 weeks to heal from a basic extraction but surgical extractions take a little longer for patients to fully heal. A surgical extraction can take anywhere from 1 to 3 months for a full recovery. 

However, the bulk of your healing occurs within just a few days in a basic extraction and may take up to a week for a surgical extraction. By day 3, you should no longer be bleeding, the swelling should be going down, and your discomfort should be reducing. 

A clot should start forming within 24 hours and be mostly healed within 3 days. Within 7-10 days, there should be a fully formed blood clot in the socket but it will take a few more weeks for the socket to completely heal. Tenderness near the socket may persist for a few more weeks.

What Can I Eat After a Tooth Extraction?

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It’s important to stick to a soft food diet for at least a week following your tooth extraction. In the first 1 to 2 days, you should consume mostly liquids or very soft foods such as broths, applesauce, pudding, yogurt, or meal replacement shakes (without a straw). 

You will need to avoid hard and sticky foods such as popcorn, nuts, seeds, candy, and tough meats for at least a week. Try to eat foods that involve minimal chewing and chew on the other side of your mouth to prevent food particles from collecting in the extraction socket. You need to avoid drinking out of a straw for at least the first 24 hours because this can lead to Dry Socket.

What Are Basic Tooth Extractions?

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A basic extraction is a simple procedure used to remove a tooth that is fully visible in the gum line. When teeth have fully erupted, we can remove them in a less invasive manner because we don’t need to make any incisions to gain access to the tooth. 

A basic tooth extraction involves loosening a tooth in the socket with a dental elevator and removing it with forceps. Because this procedure is less invasive, patients generally don’t need to be sedated unless they are particularly anxious and the recovery process is faster than a surgical extraction.

When Is a Tooth Extraction Necessary?

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There are typically many different restorative options that can be explored before resorting to an extraction. We never recommend removing a tooth unnecessarily. Your teeth play a crucial role in your oral health, alignment, smile aesthetics, and oral functionality. 

Losing teeth can make it more difficult to speak and eat which can reduce your quality of life. However, there are many cases in which a tooth may need to be extracted because there are no other options or the tooth cannot be restored to health. 

This may be because of severe tooth decay, infection, gum disease, impaction, a tooth that needs to be removed to make room for orthodontic treatment, or because a tooth has been damaged beyond repair.

Did you know…

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Tooth loss causes irreversible bone loss.

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