Oral Surgery in
Brandon, MS

Why Would I Need Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery is usually only required for significant oral health problems. Tooth extractions, for example, may be needed if you have a tooth that’s too infected or damaged to save. As a conservative dentist, Dr. Amanda Burke will always work with you to explore all of your treatment options. We will only recommend oral surgery if it’s the best choice for your unique case. Contact us to book a consultation at Burke Dental Group today.

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Did you know…

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It’s important to have teeth replaced after they're extracted, since the nearby teeth may shift toward the empty socket.

Ready to book your appointment?

How It Works: The Oral Surgery Process

Initial consultation

First, you’ll come into Burke Dental Group for a consultation with Dr. Burke. She’ll examine your mouth, diagnose your oral health challenges, and discuss the best options for restoring your teeth. This could include oral surgery, and a wide variety of other treatments.

Day of surgery

To begin your surgery, Dr. Burke will clean and numb your mouth. We use the latest numbing techniques to ensure you can get through your surgery without any discomfort. Once your mouth is completely numb, Dr. Burke will begin your treatment.

Healing and recovery

After your appointment is over, you’ll be sent home with a set of recovery instructions. You’ll usually recover from surgery within a day or two, but it may take up to two weeks for your mouth to heal completely. This mostly depends on your treatment plan, and how well you follow Dr. Burke’s recovery instructions.


Depending on your treatment and your case, you may need to come into our office for follow-ups. This lets Dr. Burke check on your recovery, and take any necessary next steps, such as fitting you for a partial denture after a tooth extraction. Make sure to come to Burke Dental Group for all of your follow-ups.

Our Oral Surgery Services

View our services

Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions are often necessary if your wisdom teeth are not growing into your mouth properly. This can cause lots of oral health issues, so they're often removed before they can cause problems.You also may need a tooth extraction if you have a severely damaged, decayed, or infected tooth. Extractions are also sometimes necessary to prepare for other treatments, such as a full set of dentures.

Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays are safe, quick, and comfortable. Using the latest technology, we can create crisp, high-resolution images of your mouth’s structure, so we can make accurate diagnoses and treatment plans. Digital x-rays use only a fraction of the radiation as traditional film x-rays, so you can rest easy. Most patients receive one or two full sets of x-rays every year, but we may recommend additional imaging in the case of a dental emergency, or if we find an oral health issue that we need to investigate further.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments are one of the best ways to keep dental decay at bay. A simple, non-invasive procedure, fluoride treatments help to keep your enamel strong. After your cleaning, we’ll apply a fluoride-rich varnish or gel; we may ask you to refrain from eating or drinking anything for 30 minutes or so following your visit. Fluoride helps kickstart a process called “remineralization,” which restores essential minerals like calcium and phosphates to your teeth, keeping your enamel hard and resistant to acids, like those that cause tooth decay.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a great way for patients to protect their teeth from decay. Dental sealants are often recommended for children, but can still be a great option for patients of all ages. Plus, dental sealants can provide protection for your teeth for years after being applied.

Applying dental sealants is a quick, non-invasive procedure that utilizes a dental resin that is applied to the molars. The uneven surface of molars, which are located in the rear of the mouth, are filled with grooves where plaque and bacteria can flourish. After application, the resin is cured with a UV light, causing it to harden into a powerful barrier between your teeth and the foods, drinks, acid, and bacteria that lead to decay.

Periodontal Care

Gum disease is extremely common, and can result in an array of oral health problems if left untreated, even including bone resorption and tooth loss. Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. It's also the only stage that can be truly reversed with deep cleanings and good at-home hygiene. If you are diagnosed with gingivitis, it is still possible to regain control of your oral health by staying on top of your regular cleanings, checkups, and at-home care.

More advanced stages of gum disease, called periodontitis, have irreversible effects on your oral health, such as gum recession and bone loss. However, the progression of periodontitis can be stopped in its tracks, even if the effects cannot be reversed, though it requires more advanced and frequent treatment. Most patients will require deep cleaning sessions every three to four months. Treatments can include deep cleanings, scaling and root planing, and laser therapy, and can help preserve your oral health.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer screenings are a part of every preventive visit, and are a quick way to fortify your peace of mind. Through consistent exams, we can catch oral cancer early on, which gives us a better chance at treating it before it spreads. A routine oral cancer screening can even save your life! 

Your dentist will examine your gums, tongue, and the rest of the soft tissues in your mouth, keeping an eye out for lesions and other abnormalities like lumps and discolorations. If there is anything that concerns us, we may recommend getting a biopsy, which will be analyzed by a specialist to determine the cause of the abnormality. Regular oral cancer screenings allow us to identify any potential problems before they become major issues.  

Have Questions About Oral Surgery? Get Answers Here. 

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Does Oral Surgery Hurt?

No. We will make sure that your mouth is completely numb before your treatment begins. And at Burke Dental Group, we offer kind, caring, and welcoming care. Our office is a judgment-free zone, and we’ll do everything we can to make sure you’re totally comfortable during your appointment.

Will Dental Insurance Cover Oral Surgery?

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The answer is usually “yes.” If your oral surgery is medically necessary, such as a tooth extraction for a severely-infected tooth, it will be covered by your dental insurance policy up to applicable limits. However, every plan is different. It’s best to consult directly with your insurer and your policy documents to understand your coverage.

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